Known As
Turtle Vine, Callisia Repens, Creeping Inchplant, Callisia Bubbles
Growing Difficulty??
Partial / Bright indirect light
Growth Rate
Pet Friendly
Air Purifying
Callisia Repens is a neat little plant spreading sideways to make a carpet of green slightly succulent leaves. Grow in a shallow pot or hanging basket it will eventually trail in a shady position. It is also a good plant for terrariums. In many places, it is known as Turtle Vine as it is a brilliant edible plant for vegetarian and omnivorous animals. If placed in an enclosure, it can be left in pot to be snacked upon, and then removed for a few more days to re-grow.
Callisia Repens thrives in partially shaded conditions, in shallow, free draining, and acid soils. This easy-to-grow plant readily adapts to a range of circumstances; tolerating both brighter and more shaded environments, as well as moist, humid, and drier conditions and neutral compost and soils; making Callisia Repens a superb houseplant, that’s hard to kill! Read Callisia Care for more information.
Dos and Don’ts after receiving the plant
Do not re-pot the plant immediately after receiving. We’ve taken care of that with better pot and rich soil.
Keep the plant in indirect sunlight for 3 to 7 days.
Always check the soil moisture and keep the plant hydrated all time. Do not over water it.
Images are for reference purposes only. Actual product may vary in shape or appearance based on climate, age, height, etc. The product is replaceable but not returnable.
above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%